Stormwater & Watershed Management

Between the rise of green infrastructure, the effects of climate change, increasingly complex regulations, and the seemingly endless pursuit of infrastructure funding, the stormwater management sector is more dynamic than most public services. Stay on top of new trends, studies, and developments that shape the stormwater sector with these resources. 


The latest stormwater articles, videos, and other content from throughout the organization and across the water sector.

Industrial Water Resources
Join Gradiant at Booth No. 863

Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to exhibition programming.

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Industrial Water Resources
Revolutionize Sewer Rehab, Maintenance, and Quality Assurance

Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to exhibition programming.

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Industrial Water Resources
Intelligent Water Solutions from Jacobs and Palantir

Sponsored WEFTEC Product Launch presentations and Q&A sessions bring a new level of detail and technical specifications to exhibition programming.

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Stormwater & Watershed Management
Porous Concrete to Combat Big Apple Overflows

New York City to construct 11 km (7 mi) of porous pavement in city’s largest-ever installation

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April 9

Collection Systems and Stormwater 2024

Join us in Hartford, CT., to experience a robust program highlighting continued advances in the stormwater sector. Hear from professionals as they highlight new technologies, successful innovations, and current best practices.


Learn more about the Event

Featured Stormwater Resources

The featured resources below are just a sample of everything WEF has to offer. Search our entire website and technical resource database for more.


Stormwater Advocacy

The Stormwater Community annually hosts the National Stormwater Policy Forum to advance the latest legislative and regulatory concerns of the stormwater sector legislators and regulators. This outreach includes creating the Recommendation to Improve the Stormwater Program In the U.S. document that stormwater advocates can use year-round.


Learn About the Issues

Rainfall to Results

Based on input from leading stormwater professionals, this report details the challenges, opportunities, and pathways to improving the nation’s stormwater systems to make them more efficient, effective, and sustainable.

This updated version was released in June 2023.

Read the Report

Stormwater, Watershed, and Receiving Water Quality Modeling

This special publication presents state-of-the-art stormwater modeling and is a practical tool that presents a broad compilation of existing models, their capabilities, and a roadmap for users to assist in the selection of such models for diverse applications. 

More on Stormwater Modeling

U.S. MS4 Needs Assessment Survey

This one-of-a-kind biennial national survey seeks to understand municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) sector challenges, drivers, and needs.

Data was collected for the third installment in the series from late 2022 through early 2023.

See the Results

Stormwater Publications

Urban Stormwater Controls Operation and Maintenance

WEF Manual of Practice No. 39 includes the best practices for the continued operation of stormwater control measures (SCMs) for your stormwater programs. The material covered will be of particular use to designers of SCMs, utility managers, and O&M staff. 

Get MOP 39

User-Fee-Funded Stormwater Programs

A must-read for agencies and public works departments interested in developing charge systems for stormwater programs based on fee structures. 

Purchase the book

Green Infrastructure Implementation

This book provides actionable information promoting the implementation of green infrastructure. Unlike most publications, which focus on technical design of individual green elements, this peer-reviewed book tackles topics related directly to the ability to implement green infrastructure.

Purchase the book

Find the Stormwater & Watershed Communities You Need


This community provides leadership and a voice for effective stormwater management by developing high-quality technical products and programming to support stormwater professionals.

Join the Stormwater Community


This community develops and conducts activities to advance the understanding, planning, implementation, and use of watershed management tools and techniques to enhance the global water environment more effectively.

Join the Watershed Management Community

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This virtual workspace, called WEFUnity, empowers WEF members to network and collaborate in an online environment.

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WEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.