Laboratory Practices Community

The Water Environment Federation’s Laboratory Practices Community (WEF LPC) is made up of volunteer members from academia, consulting firms, utilities, government agencies, and manufacturers. WEFLPC develops technical products to promote general understanding of laboratory practices for water and wastewater. Membership is open to all WEF members.

Scope of committee activities include:

  • Development of, workshops, seminars, training, and technical sessions for WEFTEC® and other events
  • Development of publications related to laboratory practices topics
  • Support development of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater publication through the Standard Methods Subcommittee
  • Submission of comments to pending laboratory related regulations, guidance, and accreditation entities such as The NELAC Institute (TNI)
  • Development of public outreach presentations expressing laboratory practices issues
  • Partnering with other organizations in development of laboratory practices activities
  • Distribution of an e-newsletter

Committee members volunteer through:

  • Attendance at meetings
  • Participation in subcommittees
  • Participation in WEFCOM discussions
  • Other volunteer activities such as writing articles for the WEF magazine, WE&T.

The Laboratory Practices Committee meets in person once a year at the WEF annual WEFTEC conference and three times a year via phone.

Kevin O'Brien 
Tel:(708) 744-7104
Past Chair
Amber Baylor, 2021 - 2023
Tel: (949) 633-1218

Staff Manager
Trudi Bick
Tel: 703-684-2400, ext 7830

Laboratory Practices Online Community

Focus groups  Educational Content

Focus Groups

  • Standard Methods Focus Group
  • Webcast Focus Group
  • LPC Member Association e-Newsletter Focus Group

Educational Resources

In an effort to share best practices, innovation and the latest information for lab analysts, the WEF Lab Practices Committee (LPC) will link to educational content that has been used (and is owned) by WEF member associations. (WEF LPC is not hosting the material but is linking to it.)

The goal of this effort is to provide a warehouse of useful webcasts, seminars, etc. that can be accessed by audiences from all over the country. We believe that there is material that just needs to be shared in order to educate larger audiences. 

Please contact Mary Johnson ( or John Rigdon ( with suggestions of webinars/workshop content that you recommend we obtain or with topics you would like to see. 

Laboratory Ethics
Environmental Laboratory Ethics Tool Kit

Community Call Guest Speaker Presentations:

IWEA Laboratory Workshop Handbook

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