Wastewater Biology: The Microlife, Third Edition is an essential reference for wastewater operators and engineers.

For more than 20 years, Wastewater Biology: The Microlife has served as an essential resource for operator training and engineers. This new edition explores the organisms that are considered the most important in the treatment of wastewater and disease transmission and provides you with the knowledge needed to regulate and control treatment processes properly.

The third edition offers detailed information on bacteria, protozoa, rotifers, nematodes and other metazoan, filamentous organisms, pathogens, and parasites. This new edition also includes a discussion of the microscope and photomiscroscopy as well as other tools, equipment, and procedures that are necessary for examining, identifying, and enumerating these life forms.

Key features of the third new edition:

  • New! Generously illustrated with more realistic visuals
  • New! Now includes 13 color plates to assist in identifying the Microlife
  • New! Extensive discussion of the tools, equipment, and procedures necessary for proper treatment
  • New! Discussion of the microscope and photomiscroscopy
  • Expanded! The most up-to-date material on the microorganisms critical to disease transmission and the treatment of wastewater

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Table of Contents:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Microorganisms
  • Chapter 3: The Microscope
  • Chapter 4: Bacteria
  • Chapter 5: Protozoa
  • Chapter 6: Rotifers
  • Chapter 7: Nematodes and Other Metazoa
  • Chapter 8: Filamentous Organisms
  • Chapter 9: Indicator Bacteria
  • Chapter 10: Wastewater Pathogens
  • Chapter 11: Wastewater Parasites
  • Chapter 23: Photomicroscopy
  • Appendix A Test Procedures and Methods
  • Glossary

Wastewater Biology: The Microlife Cover image

Here's what Readers are saying about Wastewater Biology: The Microlife, Third Edition

This book is about the unique microbial world encountered within a biological water resource recovery facility (WRRF). With more than 12 chapters, the authors provide extensive information regarding different types of microlife, measurement techniques, and the operating conditions that affect the microorganisms. 

The book has something for all stakeholders involved in wastewater treatment, including design engineers, microbiologists, facility managers, and operators. 

As the world grapples with the challenges of population growth, urbanization, and water scarcity, the effects will be felt on WRRFs and mostly the microorganisms that are at the thick of the action. This book will be an ideal reference companion for WRRF managers and technicians who deal with various operational challenges.

Lawrence K. Wang is a professor and Mu-Hao Sung Wang is a consultant at the Lenox Institute of Technology (Newtonville, N.Y.).

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