U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize

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The U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) was founded in 1997 by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to complement the Stockholm Water Prize. The SJWP is the world's most prestigious award presented to a high school student for a water-research project.


Since the prize's inception, WEF has conducted the U.S. SJWP to send a national winner to the international competition.

The competition is open to all high school students in grades 9-12 who have reached the age of 15 by August 1 of the competition year, and have conducted a water-science research project.

Justin Bernstein - 2024 National Winner     Naomi Park - 2023 U.S. & International Winner 2024 State Winners Donate to the U.S. SJWP  Get Alerts and Updates 2024 National Judges


Park Wins International Stockholm Junior Water Prize

Naomi Park, the U.S. representative at the Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) competition in Sweden, has been named the winner of this international student ...

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Words On Water Podcast
Words on Water #244: A New Grant Program Levels The Playing Field At This Year’s U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize Competition

🎧 In this podcast, National SJWP Judge Carol Martinson discusses the new HACH Water Equipment Grant Program that piloted in Fall of 2023. This program aims to ...

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Press Release
U.S. Student Wins International Water Research Competition

Eshani Jha of San Jose, Calif. was selected as the winner of the 2021 Stockholm Junior Water Prize, a prestigious international competition for students to present ...

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Dr. Andrea Rinaldo Wins Stockholm Water Prize

Andrea Rinaldo, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, University of Padova, 2023 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, SWP

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Water Environment Federation Congratulates 2022 Stockholm Water Prize Winner

As a founding partner of the Stockholm Water Prize, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) congratulates 2022 winner Wilfried Brutsaert, who was selected for his ...

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Learn More About SJWP

Regional competitions are held each winter in advance of state competitions in the spring. State winners are sent to the in-person national competition in June. The U.S. SJWP winner receives a cash prize of $10,000, a crystal trophy, and represents the U.S. at the international competition each August at held at World Water Week in Sweden.

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This competition is open to all high school students in grades 9 through 12 who have conducted water-related research science projects and have reached the age of 15 by August of the competition year. Teams of two may submit research and any student may self-nominate for their state competition.

See all Eligibility Criteria

US SJWP is supported by:

Canadian SJWP is supported by:

Watch the 2020 International SJWP Ceremony

HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden presented the team from Japan with the award. The 2020 international winners are Hiroki Matsuhashi and Takuma Miyaki.

More About the International Competition

Meet the 2019 SJWP Finalists

Year by year the number of country competitons and contestants increases. Young global citizens determined to be global changemakers.

See Highlights from the 2017 SJWP Competiton

H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, the Patron of the Prize, awarded Ryan Thorpe and Rachel Chang from the U.S. They emerged top out of 33 competing countries.

2024 National Judges

Austin Alexander


Austin has been with Xylem for 11 years in a variety of roles.  Currently, she leads the company’s Sustainability, Diversity & Inclusion and Social Impact work.  She has a Bachelor’s of Science in Engineering Management from Gonzaga University and a Master’s Business Administration from Wake Forest University.  Austin lives in Big Timber, Montana.

John M. Albert

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John Albert is the Chief Research Officer of The Water Research Foundation (WRF), a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.  WRF is the world’s leading water research cooperative, with a mission to advance the science of water. WRF funds, manages, and publishes research drinking water, wastewater, reuse, and stormwater systems. 

Anselmo Cassiano

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Originally from Brazil, Anselmo is a Research Affiliate at MIT in Water Diplomacy, Vice-President and Co-Chairman of the MIT Water Lecture Series a member of Harvard Law School Negotiators. Water is major part of their life: Anselmo is the captain of MIT Triathlon Team, and is a volunteer sailing and karate Instructor at MIT.

Jamie Eichenberger


Jamie Eichenberger is a Vice President with HDR Engineering based in Denver, where he manages a wide variety of water and wastewater projects. He is also a Past President of WEF, where he has been actively involved since his college days right here at Colorado School of Mines. 

Felicia Glapion


Felicia Glapion, P.E., ENV SP, is a water professional with over twenty years of experience in the field. She is a civil/environmental engineer by trade and a graduate of WEF’s Water Leadership Institute. She currently serves as the Chief Engineering Officer for a wastewater utility in Virginia and is a member of the Virginia Water Environment Association’s Board. 

Pedro Gochicoa

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Pedro Gochicoa is currently an Account Development Manager for Xylem. Pedro’s primary focus is on providing technical and sales support during different facets required in planning, developing, and implementing water metering and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) projects. He also supports the advancement of treatment technologies for water reuse applications, particularly in the Western United States and Latin America.

Kahao Lim


After graduating with his PhD from Kansas State University in 2021, Kahao joined Stantec as a process engineerKahao began his career in the water and wastewater industry as a researcher due to his interest in maximizing the use of wastewater as a sustainable resource, a mindset that he carries on as a consultant. His emphasis on translating sound fundamentals into practical implementation has enabled him to gain experience with municipal and industrial clients including anaerobic MBR system piloting, hydraulic evaluations and facilities planning, PFAS removal, media filtration, and nutrient recovery. 

Rasha Maal-Bared

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Dr. Maal-Bared is the principal environmental microbiologist at the CDM Smith Bellevue Research and Testing Laboratories. Before that, she was the wastewater treatment specialist and senior microbiologist at EPCOR Water for ten years, where she supported plant monitoring, operations and process optimization in 15 communities across western Canada. She completed her PhD in Environmental Microbiology at the University of British Columbia and her MSc degrees at the Harvard School of Public Health and Dalhousie University.

Carol Martinson

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Ms. Martinson graduated from the University of Wyoming with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and M.S. in Water ResourcesHer project experience includes design and commissioning of water and wastewater treatment facilities for municipal and industrial clients in Australia, the United States, and Central AmericaShe lends her expertise on emerging contaminants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), 1,2,3-trichloropropane (1,2,3-TCP), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and 1,4-dioxane to various remediation and water treatment projects. 

Allyson McGaughey


Dr. McGaughey's research focuses on developing and leveraging mechanistic understanding of relationships between materials fabrication, properties, and performance in separations processes for water reuse, resource recovery, and environmental remediation. Prior to joining UNM, she was a Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow at the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment at Princeton University. She received her bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Washington and her master’s and doctoral degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Southern California. Dr. McGaughey has been the recipient of several awards, including the USC CEE Best Dissertation Award in environmental engineering, the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Jenny Wang Excellence in Teaching Award, and the 2019 American Membrane Technology Association and Affordable Desalination Coalition Fellowship. 

Isaias Medina III


Isaias Medina III is a seasoned 30-year + international lawyer, former UN Security Council Diplomat, global strategist and thought leader. Environmentalist, Human Rights and water advocate. Expert in public international law, including space law, oceans and the law of the sea. Harvard Alumni and member of the Academic Council on the United Nations System. 

Swarna Muthukrishnan


Swarna Muthukrishnan received her Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, India, and a Master of Science Certificate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Florida. As the Water Quality Research Director at Clean Ocean Action, she leads and provides direction to COA’s scientific efforts on coastal watershed and marine pollution issues, establish and manage COA’s scientific research projects and programs focusing on water quality, marine debris including single use plastics, and driving community science. She also serves as the staff scientist and supports policy and education programs at COA

Ana Peña-Tijerina


Ana serves as the Wastewater Practice Leader at Plummer Associates. She has over 23 years of experience in wastewater engineering roles in academic, public, and private sectors. Her area of expertise and passion is wastewater treatment. She is an active member of WEF and participates in several committees including MRRDC, MEGA, LEOS, Industrial Committee, WEAT Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee, and of course, as a national judge of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize in 2021 and 2022.

Robert Sharp

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Robert Sharp is the Donald O'Connor Chair in Environmental Engineering at Manhattan CollegeHis lab carries out research in the areas of advanced wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource recoveryHe also serves as an exclusive Process Consultant for Hazen and Sawyer Engineers  

Matt Thompson


Matt works at the Hach company which ensures water quality for people around the world by making water analysis better- faster, simpler, greener, and more informative. He is in the internal training department, Hach University, where he creates and delivers training to sales and service associates.    

Peter Vanrolleghem

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Peter Vanrolleghem obtained his degrees in Bio-engineering and PhD in Environmental Technologies from Ghent University (Belgium) and in 1997 became a professor there. In 2006 he immigrated in Quebec to become full professor at Université Laval’s Civil and Water Engineering Department. His research team, modelEAU focuses on monitoring, modelling and controlling urban wastewater systems and tackles challenges such as nutrient (removal and recovery), fate of micropollutants and pathogens, and emissions of greenhouse gases. 

Timothy Ware


Timothy Ware currently works as an operations and maintenance engineer for Arcadis. He has a bachelors degree in civil engineering and a masters degree in environmental engineering from the University of South Florida. He is a licensed professional engineer and a licensed wastewater operator in Florida. Mr. Ware spent a large portion of his career managing large water and wastewater treatment plants and currently uses that background consulting with municipalities all over the country helping to optimize operations and maintenance practices

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WEF is a source of high-quality technical resources featuring the latest research, news, and education. WEF's members and other credible resources have created and compiled this information into the Practice Area groupings listed in the dropdown menu.

Biosolids Resource Recovery

Through biosolids management, solid residue from wastewater treatment is processed to reduce or eliminate pathogens and minimize odors, forming a safe, beneficial agricultural product. Biosolids are carefully monitored and must be used in accordance with regulatory requirements.

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Collection Systems and Conveyance

The system of underground pipes and maintenance structures that convey wastewater has brought dramatic improvements to public health. Most sewers carry wastes from households and commercial establishments and are referred to as sanitary sewers.

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Government & Regulatory Affairs

WEF advocacy activities aim to educate WEF members and the water sector on public policy issues related to water quality and resources and equip them to play a greater role in water policy discussions.

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Industrial Water Resources

Industries treat and reuse wastewater and process water as well as provide environmentally sustainable wastewater treatment while reducing costs and maintaining value for their businesses.

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From hands-on-training and leadership opportunities, such as Operations Challenge, to online training, such as the Wastewater Treatment Fundamentals series, WEF provides operators with many opportunities to advance on-the-job knowledge and develop their careers.

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Public Health

The water sector and its systems protect public and ecological health. Using the data that can be collected through smart water technologies provides additional insights to address complex public health issues.

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Stormwater & Watershed Management

Take a comprehensive look at how all water resources, including uplands, drainage basins, wetlands, stormwater, surface water, and groundwater interact.

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Utility Management

To respond to myriad daily challenges faced by water and wastewater utility leaders, WEF continuously works with its members and partners to develop a variety of management initiatives; resources; and educational, training, and networking opportunities.

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Water & Wastewater Treatment

More than 16,000 publicly owned water resource recovery facilities operate in the United States. Skilled engineers and operators work together to ensure new and updated facilities continue to protect public health and the environment.

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