Introducing Water 2050: The New Video Game Inspired by the Netflix Brave Blue World Documentary

In partnership with Totem Games, WEF is launching the Water 2050 game at the World Water Film Festival. The video game is inspired by the Netflix documentary Brave Blue World starring Matt Damon.

Water 2050 features vibrant game characters, and each player has an opportunity to create solutions in real-time. The Water 2050 game design explores how our everyday actions have consequences, positive or negative, on the livelihood of our planet and access to clean water for the future.

Find the game on Google Play, Steam, Epic Games, and the Apple App Store.

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Water 2050: Watch the Trailer! 

The future starts now with Totem Games' Water 2050! Discover real-world technologies, face environmental threats, and make critical decisions to save water, save the world, and change the future!